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TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
Interviewed in a magazine of great circulation and in the radio in Portugal
by TJ Curioso intranslation:"inside the "destructive sect".
antónio madaleno was a religious leader in jehovah's witnesses.
on the eve of a demonstration of strength of the organization, which in the next three days promises to fill the estádio da luz in an international congress, this former leader characterizes it as "a group of high control" and tells us his personal drama to get rid of it.".
Interviewed in a magazine of great circulation and in the radio in Portugal
by TJ Curioso intranslation:"inside the "destructive sect".
antónio madaleno was a religious leader in jehovah's witnesses.
on the eve of a demonstration of strength of the organization, which in the next three days promises to fill the estádio da luz in an international congress, this former leader characterizes it as "a group of high control" and tells us his personal drama to get rid of it.".
TJ Curioso
"Inside the "destructive sect"António Madaleno was a religious leader in Jehovah's Witnesses. On the eve of a demonstration of strength of the organization, which in the next three days promises to fill the Estádio da Luz in an international congress, this former leader characterizes it as "a group of high control" and tells us his personal drama to get rid of it."
Last week was the interview I gave to the magazine "Visão", one of the most circulated magazines in Portugal, where I told about my experience as a former Witness and former elder. It is a 6-page interview where several issues have been addressed.
That same week I was invited to attend a radio program, where I was again interviewed about that person's experience in Jehovah's Witnesses.
It should be noted that these interviews took place the week in which the international congress was held in Lisbon.
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
Your welcome!
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch
by UnshackleTheChains ini was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
TJ Curioso
Some Jehovah's Witnesses who were confronted with this video, as well as some dissenters express the view that this video is blistering a normal situation. But should not this video serve to criticize the Watchtower leaders for their hypocrisy and incoherence? Let's look at several aspects to reflect on.
1st - Anthony Morris III is the religious leader of more than 8 million people. It is the equivalent of the Pope or any religious leader of any religion. Imagine that it was the Pope to be seen buying 12 bottles of whiskey of almost $ 1,000 (total value). Would not this be a reason for discussion and controversy, even among the Catholic community? Would not it be a caricature situation at best?
2 - Anthony Morris III is a public figure since it has been exposed in the channel of and should have the notion that being seen in a liquor store, buying 12 bottles of whiskey of the most expensive, would be cause of stumbling block if it were discovered. After all, why does he need 12 bottles of almost $ 1,000 worth of whiskey? It's not about him having the money to buy this or whether he's retired or not.
The question is the image that passes, just as the leaders of the Governing Body appear with iWatch, Rolex and gold rings on their fingers. What image of opulence does this pass to a religious community that mostly belongs to the lower class of world society ?!
3rd - Anthony Morris III is criticized for all this and for the curious fact of being on a Sunday morning, when it is customary for a Jehovah's Witness to be preaching or in the Kingdom Hall, attending the meeting with the rest of the congregation. Allied to this the fact of having moved to several kilometers of the world-wide headquarters to make the purchase, most probably in order to avoid being seen.
As a conclusion and summary, I think that religious leaders should be criticized not only for the false doctrines they present to their members but also for their examples as people. Contrary to what some say, Jesus also pointed out and called by certain names the religious leaders of his day, not by what they taught, but by the example they gave!
A religious leader who demands total obedience, as is the case with Anthony Morris, to the point of threatening with a horrible death at Armageddon those who are not obedient, must be pointed out as incoherent and hypocritical when he has an attitude that disassembles his supposed intellectual, moral and religious superiority!
We are only pointing out the inconsistencies and weaknesses of these "gods" on earth who encourage their members to live righteous lives, to use their gifts for the work of the Kingdom, when they themselves spend large hundreds of dollars on expensive and large-volume alcoholic beverages.
It is a matter of moral example and it is not in question whether he has the money himself to do it or not, or whether someone has given him such a value.
"It is not enough for Caesar's wife to be honest, she must be honest," as the saying goes.
The realization of a dream – Record a song CD | António Madaleno
by TJ Curioso inthe realization of a dream .
who knows me knows that i have always loved to sing.
since i was a child, my love for singing and music made me always hum and accompany songs on radio and tv.
TJ Curioso
The realization of a dream
Who knows me knows that I have always loved to sing. Since I was a child, my love for singing and music made me always hum and accompany songs on radio and TV. I came to have some possibilities to enter the musical career, but unfortunately, because I was raised in the Jehovah's Witnesses cult, my desires and dreams were drowned out and destroyed.. However, the desire to record a CD with covers of songs that I like always accompanied me. I arrived a few years ago to do a test in a studio, having recorded a few songs. You can see an example here:
https: //
I think it's time to realize the dream of recording and editing a CD, if possible with your help. CD Covers The CD will have at least 12 tracks sung for me, with songs that I believe you love. From songs by Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Elvis Costello, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Rui Veloso, Paulo Gonzo, among others. In fact, they are timeless songs that refer to beautiful lyrics and great melodies.
The crowdfunding will have a minimum value of 1250 euros for the project to materialize. Music recording requires very high cost material so that the final product is of quality. And in addition to recording, there are the mixing and mastering (editing) processes that are part of the complete CD production procedure. In this case, the studio is promoting a price that involves the whole process (turn-key type)! At least 100 copies of this edition will be recorded.
Crowdfunding Campaign:
February 15th to 15th March 2019.
CD Release:
To be announced.
After the recording and editing, I will later send the CD to all those who contribute the minimum value for CD (12.50 euros). To do so, they will have to send me proof of the transfer of this value (or higher), together with the data for sending by mail or digital media (in case of living outside Portugal).
To those who can not contribute with this value I will be equally grateful. Any amount will be equally appreciated!
An alternative way of giving support:
If someone wants to contribute but can not do so by crowdfunding, please contact me in private, and you can donate/purchase the CD by bank transfer. If you can not contribute monetarily, there is another way to help me!
Share this campaign with your friends and family and spread the word!
May 2019 child abuse WT
by neat blue dog inthe new study edition watchtower is up, and most of it is devoted to child abuse damage control..
TJ Curioso
I wrote an extensive article on my website about these Watchtower articles where I review and rebate each paragraph devoted to sexual abuse by the Watchtower.
A careful analysis reveals half-truths and a deep hypocrisy that tries to clear the image of an organization that has masked abusers and further injured the victim of abuse.
Of course I wrote in my native language (portuguese). If anyone can translate into English, feel free. -
by TJ Curioso inex-jehovah's witnesses participate in this study of psychology!.
dear friends,.
for some time now i have had the desire to conduct a study of jehovah's witnesses, a religious movement i have known for 30 years.. for this to be possible, i enrolled in a phd in psychology at the university of algarve and applied for an unpaid leave for an indefinite period.. the subject of the investigation revolves around so-called psychological abuse (or psychological manipulation) in a group, motives for the departure of jehovah's witnesses and possible consequences of this disfigurement in people's lives.
TJ Curioso
Dear friends,
For some time now I have had the desire to conduct a study of Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious movement I have known for 30 years.
For this to be possible, I enrolled in a PhD in Psychology at the University of Algarve and applied for an unpaid leave for an indefinite period.
The subject of the investigation revolves around so-called psychological abuse (or psychological manipulation) in a group, motives for the departure of Jehovah's Witnesses and possible consequences of this disfigurement in people's lives. Also participating in the study are people who, although they have not yet officially left Jehovah's Witnesses, are no longer identified with the group.
The data will be collected through a questionnaire that was placed online.
Portuguese, Brazilian, as well as other people who understand Portuguese can participate. Although the questionnaire is written in Portuguese from Portugal, I think it will be understandable to people of other nationalities.
The questionnaire is available at this link:
I intend to publish the results of this study in an international scientific journal. For this to be possible, it is necessary for hundreds of people to respond to the questionnaire.
Lastly, I would like to ask you to respond exactly to what is requested. For example, if I ask, "How long have you left Jehovah's Witnesses?" and someone responds "When I entered college." However interesting this answer may be, it does not allow the calculation of correlations and will have to be eliminated.
Grateful for the attention,
Alexandre Ramos
Doctor of Science in Education
Member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists
Caros(as) amigos(as),
Há já algum tempo que tenho o desejo de realizar um estudo sobre as ex-Testemunhas de Jeová, movimento religioso que conheço há 30 anos.
Para tal ser possível, inscrevi-me num doutoramento em Psicologia na Universidade de Algarve e pedi licença sem vencimento por tempo indeterminado.
O assunto da investigação gira à volta do chamado abuso psicológico (ou manipulação psicológica) em grupo, motivos para a saída das Testemunhas de Jeová e possíveis consequências dessa desfiliação na vida das pessoas. Também podem participar no estudo pessoas que, embora ainda não tenham abandonado oficialmente as Testemunhas de Jeová, já deixaram de se identificar com o grupo.
Os dados serão recolhidos através de um questionário que foi colocado online.
Podem participar portugueses, brasileiros, bem como outras pessoas que entendam o português. Apesar do questionário estar escrito em português de Portugal, penso que será compreensível para pessoas de outras nacionalidades.
O questionário encontra-se disponível neste link:
Tenho a intenção de publicar os resultados deste estudo numa revista científica internacional. Para tal ser possível, é necessário que centenas de pessoas respondam ao questionário.
Por último, queria pedir o favor de responderem exatamente àquilo que é pedido. Por exemplo, se eu perguntar "Há quanto tempo saiu das Testemunhas de Jeová?" e alguém responder "Quando entrei para a faculdade.", por mais interessante que esta resposta possa ser, não permite o cálculo de correlações e terá que ser eliminada.
Grato pela atenção,
Alexandre Ramos
Doutor em Ciências da Educação
Membro efetivo da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses -
Events leading to my decision to disassociate
by Roger Kirkpatrick infollowing is a summary of events leading up to my decision to disassociate from jehovah's witnesses and the unforeseen results of that decision.. a young man named joel engardio produced a documentary about jehovah's witnesses called "knocking" which aired nationally on pbs.
i purchased the dvd from joel before it was even released and we exchanged emails.
joel had been raised by his jw mother and had been active in jw activities during his adolescence, but he was never baptized as a jw.
TJ Curioso
Roger, about your comment:
"While JWs are mandated by the Watchtower organization to avoid any contact with ex-JWs, neither the Bible nor the Watchtower encourage JWs to divorce or shun their mates who leave the religion."
Read this:
"16 Jesus taught that the only Scriptural ground for dissolving a marriage vow is when an innocent mate chooses not to forgive an adulterous partner. (Matt. 19:9;Heb. 13:4) What, then, about separating from one’s marriage mate? The Bible is clear on this too. (Read 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11.) The Bible does not set out grounds for marital separation. However, some married Christians have viewed certain situations as a reason for separation, such as the extreme endangerment of one’s life or spirituality by an abusive or apostate spouse.*" (w17 April p. 7-8)
– -
Commuter Bethelite video
by no-zombie infor those who missed last weeks clam meeting, there was a video played that was amazing ... however not in good way.. we are all aware how thousands of full time bethelites world wide got the boot and put out onto the street.
some having giving most of their lives to the organization, but often with no real way to support themselves other than to depend on the generosity of others.
so when this video talked about how special it would be for those who could step up and become a commuter bethelite, it made me think how calculating the governing body must be.
TJ Curioso
Spock is alive! Lolol